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Doha College Model United Nations - DCMUN

Model United Nations (MUN), is a simulation of the United Nations and gives students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and attributes. These include leadership, communication and negotiating, as well as developing an in-depth knowledge of current affairs. Students learn to play the role of United Nations Delegate for any given country on a range of contentious modern issues. In doing so they are taught to draft resolutions, publicly defend their country’s position, and convince others to accept their view or reject an opposing resolution. One of the most exciting things about DCMUN is to run the club and arrange conferences that are usually attended by schools across Qatar and around the world. Our members also take lead positions in the largest youth conference in the Middle East (THIMUN Qatar) as well as a plethora of local initiatives aimed at realising the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 


No matter what role a student decides to undertake within a conference, they will learn something new about themselves and the planet we call our home. DCMUN is a seed bed for growing leaders, allowing them to learn the skills they need to make changes and improve our world.
Jonathan Henley, Director of DC MUN


The most common form of participation is in the role of a delegate; their task is to represent a country within their committee. Speaking in debates is not for the promotion of their own personal views but to represent the foreign policy of their delegation. They research the issues before the conference, in order to make the debates more engaging and thus find meaningful solutions to real world problems.

The Admin team

The Admin staff are a crucial part of every conference; they make sure that everything behind the scenes is running smoothly. From preparing rooms to serving food, and passing notes inside committees, their work is an opportunity to experience MUN from a different perspective. Conferences simply could not be the grand events they are without the meticulous, exacting preparations of the Admin team.

The Press team

Members of the Press team are responsible for producing booklets to be handed out both before the conference and after each day of the conference, each one filled with information, articles, and photos. They also serve as our photographers, and produce the ever-anticipated conference video. 

Student Officers

Pre-conference, student officers produce the research reports created before the conference, which allow delegates to learn more about the issues they will be debating. During the conference, they are responsible for chairing the debates, as well as ensuring there is order within a committee.


DCMUN leaders meet leaders of the United Nations, and talk with diplomats, ambassadors, journalists, and CEOs of non-government organisations and charities. A while ago, DC students visited Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary on the United Nations in her New York office, as well as dignitaries in Washington, in the UK and Italy.

Making Friends

DCMUN is a wonderful opportunity to make friends and contacts from around the world. Active membership is a great opportunity to complement academic CVs before applying for universities. Many of our MUN leaders accept offers at the world’s elite universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, and Yale. 

Beyond participating as delegates, students have various opportunities within the club. Administration staff prepare committee rooms and coordinate food distribution. The conference press team creates newsletters and captures photos and videos of the proceedings. Student officers chair debates, ensuring active delegate participation for a comprehensive discussion. MUN cultivates responsibility and organisation, offering clear progression paths. Committed students may advance to the executive team, taking a lead role in organizing the conference, emphasising student-led initiatives over staff involvement. To meet the current team and read about their most recent achievements, visit their website

Scroll through the gallery to see DCMUN students in action