Doha College gets their hands dirty to clean the environment
Doha College, a green flag school since 2016, continues to deliver on its environmental commitments to the community. As part of the Eco School Programme, our students selected to raise awareness on the eco theme of marine and coasts; more specifically, our Eco Committee students chose awareness of the dangers of plastic in the oceans in the world and surrounding Qatar.
From December to March 2022, Doha College partnered with Jose Saucedo from Doha Environmental Actions Project, known as DEAP Qatar. Jose, director of DEAP Qatar, who was already an environmentalist back in the USA, provided regular online zoom workshops, full of important facts and useful advice for all 2,500 Doha College students, from EYFS to Year 13.
Jose was also invited to present at the Doha College Model United Nations conference, where he spoke about plastic pollution, why it’s important that the students get involved, and how they can help mitigate the problem. The students had an opportunity to learn about practical applications of sustainability projects that are good for business and the environment.
Feedback from our students indicated their concern about dugongs being endangered. To act directly and practically on improving this situation, the committee decided to organise a beach clean-up. Parents, staff and students were invited to join forces with Doha Environmental Action Project to help remove plastic waste from the Al Thakira mangroves area.
Set in the evening to avoid peak temperatures, and so that observing participants could break their fast immediately after the event, the beach clean-up drew dozens of people. Equipped with gloves, litter pickers and bags issued by the General Cleanliness Department, our eco-warriors swept a huge area of beach, collecting over 350 kg of rubbish and 21 vehicle tyres.
We cannot thank DEAP Qatar enough for the amazing work they are doing to help protect our oceans and keep Qatar clean. More environmentally friendly actions are planned in the near future, do keep an eye out!